Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A New Year...

Hello! So I've started the blog world! There are times when I have so much on my heart and mind that I don't always feel like putting on instead I will post it on my blog! It seems much easier.

So as you might know I have been doing 30 day challenges for two months now! Last month it was to stop drinking pop...this month is to stop drinking sweet tea (and continue to not drink pop)! I have been doing so well and believe that it's for the best. I can't say I will never drink pop or sweet tea again...but I just wanted to cut it out completely so I wouldn't be so dependent on it, like I was!

I'm excited to see what the NeW YeAr holds...things seem to be going well so far! We are starting a new Bible study that starts Jan 23rd called "Radical" by David Platt. Can't wait! There's nothing better than getting involved in a Bible study with your spouse! I'm very excited to see what God has in store for us!!!